The class starts on Monday 28th of October 2024. Register now!

This class is about playing and having fun, but it is also the core of what dog training is all about. Throughout the series of fun games we will work on engagement and focus, develop your dog’s drives and passions, learn about how to reward efficiently and how to choose the most appropriate training method for each of the new skills you want your dog to master. We will talk about how different emotions can affect your dog’s performance and learning ability and what you can do to change it.

Class is full of ideas for indoor and outdoor games, and you can use them any way you want – no matter if you are just looking for ways to have fun with your dog, keep him busy or lay a strong foundation for just about any kind of sport activity. It is based on 20+ years of being a dog trainer and trying to understand why things don’t always go the way we want/expect them to. The better we understand why problems occur, the easier it becomes to find solutions or to avoid troubles in the first place. And most importantly – this class is a reminder of how important it is to have fun with your dog!

It is perfect for dogs that lack focus, speed and motivation, struggle to connect with you or cope with distractions. It is also a great help raising a puppy and laying down strong foundation for any kind of future activities.

The class has 6 topics spread over 12 weeks. You can join us as a participant or a silent auditor. The participants get to post their training videos and ask questions. Silent auditors don’t get to participate in discussions or post their own videos, but they can observe everything that goes on in the playroom. Both participants and auditors get permanent access to the contents and discussions.

All you need for this class is a couple of minutes per day, few toys and a good spirit. We will also be using some basic fitness equipment, but nothing so fancy that can’t be improvised at home.

Enter Playroom


  • Topic 1: Food games

    Food plays an important role in dog training, but have you explored all the options it provides yet? We will learn about the basic value of food and how we can change that through a set of fun and easy games every dog can enjoy!
  • Topic 2: Toys and how to make them work

    Is your dog a tugger or a chaser? Does the toy matter or is it all about the activity? We will explore many different ways of playing and learn about the importance of engagement and interaction.
  • Topic 3: Learning process and rewards

    We will discuss different learning methods and how they work; explore their pros and cons and learn about how to select the best one for the task at hand, taking your dog’s personality into consideration. We will also dive in the ocean of rewards – when and how to reward to make the training process as efficient as possible.
  • Topic 4: Play trick and retrieves

    What if your dog really doesn’t care about toys or only “gives in” when the circumstances are just right? The play trick can solve your problem! We will also work on a variety of different games for the quickest and flashiest retrieves and releases!
  • Topic 5: Fit&Busy

    Use the time you spend with your dog effectively! Incorporate fun and useful games and activities into your every day life, effortlessly improve your connection and help the dog develop focus, strength and stamina. I will suggest a whole range of indoor and outdoor games, appropriate for every household!
  • Topic 6: Sport specific games

    We will turn our games into useful foundation exercises for just about any sporting activity. Work is just another game… Let’s play!
€ 220

See everything.

Ask questions.

Participate in discussions.

Post videos.

Silent Auditor
€ 140

See everything.

If you have any problems during the registration process, please contact us at