Sign up for our new online courses!

The gang is online!

You can train with us from just about any place in the world. All you need is some good spirit, little time to spend with your dog and an internet connection. Great solution for those who don’t have the ability to come to my seminars, or those who want more frequent training tips and suggestions.

Let's play, Let's play agility and Let's play obedience starting on Monday 28.10.2024

LET’S PLAY (all about building and controlling drives and effective learning)

Let’s play got a complete makeover! Based on 5+ years of working with my very best Let’s play students and 20+ years of my own experience, Let’s play got bigger and better! Enriched with new topics, videos with explanations and a whole bunch of new games.

  • Do you struggle with your dog’s emotions while training? Whether is it shutting down and disconnecting or getting completely crazy – both those emotional states make training very hard if not impossible.
  • Would you like to learn how to play with your dog in the right way to develop his drives and help him find confidence and speed?
  • Learn about different ways dogs learn and the importance of choosing your rewards appropriately?
  • Understand how different emotions affect your dog’s performance and how to manage them?
  • Get plenty of ideas for how to exercise your dog’s body and brain both inside and outside the house?

Than join our universe of fun!

It is appropriate for dogs of all ages and levels of training, no matter if you are just trying to lay a good foundation, fix a problem or improve your dog’s performance.


competition report news (1)Let’s play agility is a class that focuses on motivation, speed & focus in agility. It is a step-by-step guide on how to get the best out of your dog on a course. We will slowly upgrade the games from Let’s play into real agility training, making sure that we don’t loose the speed and enthusiasm in the process. We will also deal with common “turn off’s”; distractions, fears, problematic obstacles…

Let’s play agility is basically meant as a follow up class to Let’s play. This order of things is especially important with dogs that are dealing with motivational issues.

The class has 6 lessons; you get a new one every 14 days.
If you join as a participant, you can post your videos and get a reply to all your videos and questions. Auditors don’t get to post videos, but they can ask questions and see the whole discussion and all videos.



on line classes - lets playLet’s play obedience is a fun and step-by-step approach to obedience training. It focuses on how to make every exercise understandable, easy and fun. We will not follow one particular obedience program, but lay foundations that will be very useful no matter if your goal is to compete in any kind of obedience related sports or just have an additional activity and/or challenge for your agility dog.

The program is designed in a way that it is appropriate for beginners, but also for teams who want to improve focus and motivation in obedience, or re-train particular problematic exercise.

The class has 6 topics. I will publish a new one every two weeks You can join us as a participant or an auditor. The participants get to post their training videos and ask questions. Auditors can see everything that is going on in our playroom, they can also participate in discussions and ask questions, but they don’t get to post videos.

LIFE OF A PUPPY (raising and training a confident and independent dog) – NEW

Life of a puppy is a very special project covering all the puppy related topics – from genetics and choosing a puppy to developing a firm partnership resulting in an independent dog, capable of handling everyday situations and consistently performing on top of their game.

  • You will follow Jimmy – my BC puppy through his journey as an agility and sheepdog from 2 – 5 months.
  • Share my thoughts, experiences and explanations on drives, motivation, fear, dependency … from 20+ years of owning & training dogs and teaching classes and seminars.
  • Receive helpful troubleshooting sheets and observation & explanation schemes.
  • Obtain training ideas and learn how to set a successful strategy for sport and everyday life.
  • Ask questions, develop your opinions and learn from each other.

Exclusive content with innovative approach – 3 months, 2-3 videos per week, posts on different topics, troubleshooting schemes and much more!