Jim is the dog I never knew I needed, until he came into my life and fitted like a glove. An old soul and such a pleasant dog to be around. He was just the most perfect and easiest puppy to have. It is like he was born with all the knowledge of this world. Happy outside, happy inside, never crying, never destroying, always happy about every single thing we did.
The one thing I admire endlessly about this dog is what a quiet force he is. He never makes anyone nervous and always does what it takes. Exactly what it takes. No more no less. At work he is very calm and serious but with a lot of feeling for what he is doing.
He is the perfect farm dog, always knows what to do before I even realize what the problem is. Sheep, ducks, chicken,... you name it, it all just comes naturally for him. Given that I am fairly new to sheepherding and farming I feel like I need to apologize to him 10 times per day for being such a clumsy idiot while he is saving my ass and just being the one with the brains around here. Like most border collies I guess, he can also be a little weirdo sometimes... He likes to sleep in the tiniest possible spaces, so at times I have to drag his ass out from behind the closet or under the bed that is too low for him to get out on his own. When he is not working or resting hard, he is one happy and goofy boy that loves to play and be silly. So here is to the Jimmy boy and hoping I can catch up with him some day!