2015 haven’t started so well for us. Little Šja has troubles with her eyes, and šČE got injured + all the rain and snow and snow and rain… Let’s just say I wish that summer would come already! But having to stay at home has it advantages too. I kicked my self in the butt and started to do some more clicker training. I almost forgot how much fun it is. Joey is well on his way to becoming a professional stunt man while šČEne and I are working on our common week spot – nose work. As she is only allowed to walk on leash, we joined the K9 detector course and as hopeless as it seemed in the beginning, we are making lots of progress every day now and actually loving it!
On top of everything we did some digging through tons of materials we once made and never had time to organize. So here is another nostalgic video of the most perfect little puppies and their first adventures.